1200 Tech, ProCyco (Professional recycle) helps maximize its best power performance while charging.
Low self-discharge - The embedded seal structure increases crystal lattice space, creating more room for hydrogen. This allows EBL batteries to retain 80% power after 3 years, thanks to their focus on minimizing discharge rates.
Supercell lattice - EBL batteries made in supercell lattice technology, make it more inner space to contain such high volume power juice, provide constant voltage and best performance in heavy load discharge.
High capacity - No longer to worry about the endurance of the batteries, EBL 1100mAh AAA 1.2V batteries will provide ultra strong power for your devices to performance well and operate longer.
Safety assurance - Ni-MH eco-friendly cell, doesn’t contain Hg/Cd/Pb, makes no pollution to the environment, and using DBCK steel shell which can protect the battery against explosion due to overpressure.